"The utility of unpacking survey bias in multiparty elections: Mexican polling firms in the 2006 and 2012 Presidential elections." International Journal for Public Opinion Research Vol 28, Issue 1, Spring 2016 (with Francisco Cantú and Verónica Hoyo) [Supplementary Data]
"Looking to the Future: Prospective Economic Voting in 2008 Presidential Elections" Electoral Studies Vol 31, Issue 4, December 2012 (with Kristin Michelitch, Josh Tucker and Andrew Owen)
"Progress, but to what end? 2007 Electoral Reform in Mexico" Harvard International Review Vol 30, Num 1, Spring 2008. (with Jorge G. Castañeda)
"Transparencia y Medios de Comunicación" [Transparency and Mass Media] Ensayos para la Transparencia No. 8 Instituto de Acceso a la Información Pública y Protección de Datos Personales del Distrito Federal, 2008.
"The Mexican Standoff: Looking to the Future" Journal of Democracy Vol 18, Num 1, January 2007. (with Jorge G. Castañeda)
"The Left Turn Continues" Brown Journal or World Affairs Vol XIII, Issue II, Spring/Summer 2007 (with Jorge G. Castañeda)
"Incertidumbre y decisión de voto: notas para la investigación." [Uncertainty and vote choice: notes for research] Gaceta de Ciencia Política (Nueva Época) Vol I, Num 1, 2006.