"Mitos de la Segunda Vuelta y por qué no hace a un ganador más legítimo" [Myths of the Runoff, and why it does not produce a more legitimate winner.] Expansión digital, Junio 26, 2017.
"Encuestas, elecciones y lecciones" [Polls, Elections and Lessons Learned] Expansión digital, June 8, 2017.
"100 days: is the Trump style in foreign policy finally taking shape?" [A 100 días, ¿se está definiendo el estilo de Trump en política exterior?] Expansión digital, April 28, 2017. (with Virgilio Muñoz)
"What exactly does the Lethality Index measure?" [¿Qué mide exactamente el Índice de letalidad?] Blog de Seguirdad de Nexos, April 3, 2017. (with Virgilio Muñoz)
"More doubts than certainties in CIDE's Drug Policy Program" [En el Programa de Droga del CIDE, más dudas que certezas] Expansión digital, April 2, 2017. (with Virgilio Muñoz)
"Military lethality: what CIDE meant to say" [Letalidad Militar: lo que el CIDE quiso decir] Revista R de Reforma, March 26, 2017. (with Virgilio Muñoz)
"Donald Trump: an American media addiction" [Donald Trump: la adicción de los medios estaunidenses] Expansión digital, March 13, 2017.
"Uncertainty as the basis for the bilateral relationship" [Incertidumbre como base de la relación bilateral] Expansión digital, February 24, 2017.
"US Congress: the key to ameliorate Trump" [El Congreso de Estados Unidos: clave para frenar a Trump] Expansión digital, February 20, 2017.
"Donald Trump: the Presidency that never was" [Donald Trump: la presidencia que nunca fue] Expansión digital, November 4, 2016.
"President Trump: the myth of the debate" [Trump presidente: el mito del debate] Animal Político, September 26, 2016. (with René Bautista)
"Trump is not worth the selfie" [Trump no vale una selfie] Animal Político, August 31, 2016.
"Brexit: ¿Inevitable preludio a un "presidente Trump"? [Brexit: the inevitable prelude to a "President Trump"?] Animal Político, June 25, 2016.
"Ni Trump ni Bern" [Neither Trump nor Bern] Animal Político, March 28, 2016.
"La otra batalla de las encuestas" [The other battle on polling] Animal Político, June 2, 2015. (with René Bautista)
"Las “crisis de las encuestas” en México: la evidencia científica de 2006 y 2012" [The "crises of polling" in Mexico: the scientific evidence from 2006 and 2012] Nexos digital, May 27, 2015. (with Francisco Cantú and Verónica Hoyo)
"House effects in Brazilian Polling" Monkey Cage, October 31, 2014. (with Francisco Cantú and Felipe Nunes)
"Forecasting the Brazilian Election" Monkey Cage, October 24, 2014. (with Francisco Cantú)
"El Eslabón Faltante"[The Missing Link] Reforma, October 3, 2014. (with Virgilio Muñoz)
"La violencia en Gaza: las lecciones de 2009" [Violence in Gaza: lessons from 2009] Excélsior, July 11, 2014. (with Claude Heller)
"Reelección y Monopolio" [Reelection and Monopoly] Nexos, April 2014.
"El papel de México en la resolución del conflicto turco-israelí" [The role of Mexico in resolving the Turkish-Israeli conflict] Animal Político, March 27, 2013.
"La insoportable inocuidad de legislar contra las encuestas" [The Unbearable Innocuity of Legislating Against Polls] Este País 259, November 2012. (with Juan Antonio Cepeda)
"La Crisis de las Encuestas (segundo acto)" [The Crisis of Polling (act two)] Animal Político, September 5, 2012. (with René Bautista)
"La Crisis de las Encuestas (primer acto)" [The Crisis of Polling (act one)] Animal Político, September 4, 2012. (with René Bautista)
"Post-Election Report II: Revisiting Fraud and the 2012 Mexican Presidential Election" Monkey Cage, July 11, 2012.
"2012 Mexican Election Report: Return to the Past or Back to the Future?" Monkey Cage, July 2, 2012.
Book review of 'Desafiando al Sistema. La izquierda política en México' Americas Quarterly Vol 1, Num 2, Fall 2007.
"El Mito del País Dividido" [The Myth of a Divided Country], Este País 186, September 2006 (with José Merino and Roberto Ponce)
"Access to Public Information. A Step Forward in Consolidating Mexico's Democracy" Voices of Mexico 64, July-September 2003 (with José Buendía)
"Manual para la Transparencia"[Manual for Transparency] Enfoque, Sunday supplement of Reforma, May 18, 2003.